Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Goblin King

In honor of the release of Tunde Olaniran's "The Second Transgression" on December 21st, I am reviving this blog to write about the work that he and I have done together.

I will start with "The First Transgression" video.

                                                                                                                              Photo by Timothy Jagielo

"The First Transgression" is the first video in a five part sci-fi narrative which is paired with an album of the same name.  The video stars Tunde, Adrienne Marie Brown, and much white hair.

                                   photo by Christina Tomlinson

Tunde's look is that of a warrior.  I pulled inspiration from many different areas for this.  We went with a basic color pallet of cream, white, grey, gold, bronze, and tan with red touches.  I was highly influenced by 18th century European menswear, the Mughal Empire, and the Byzantine Empire.

                                                                         Photo by Tim Jagielo

Adrienne's costume was inspired by a several of goddess/mother figures, including Inanna, Isis, Amaterasu, and the Virgin Mary.  The color of her costume is primarily red, with gold touches.  Her headdress,  which is made almost entirely of paper, measures about 5 feet across.  

                                                                       Photo by Tim Jagielo

Last, but definitely not least, the white hair scuplture. Making this was a two step process.  First I took a bunch of the white hair (of which there were 4 shades) and made various styles of long braids, twists, dreadlocks, all with wire interlaced through them.  When we arrived at the set I installed the fixed hair, added the loose wefts, then proceeded to brush, tease and matte them together.  Then with the help of Saryn, Tunde's make up and hair dresser, we wove him into the hair.   

This white hair will make an appearance again in "The Second Transgression".  

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